Reflective Entry 4
Reflective entry 4: Apply a reflective model to discuss something that has happened during your Inquiry so far and how it impacts on taking action (20%) For the purpose of this blog have chosen “Rolf Et Al’s Reflective Model.” During my inquiry an issue that occurred was triangulating all of the research into one coherent thought pattern as my school has developed it;s own SDL model based on that of Malocome Knowels (1973). This year, after much discussion around the effectiveness of our SDL model, the school as a whole decided to change the model to better suit the needs of the students. Not knowing much about SDL apart from what I was given by my school gave me a narrow view on self-directed learning. In short our model was failing not all but some of the students in which they were not achieving to their full potential, also from observations from staff and by gathering student voice, many students were not confidently self-directing. As a staff we were able to crea...