Reflective Entry 2

Reflective Entry 2: Discuss how aspects of law, regulations and/or policy impact on teacher inquiry (20%)

According to Our Codes, Our Standards (2017) there are clear expectations of all teaching professionals to provide high quality learning for all students. We can also use this document to enter into professional conversations around reflective practices. It also reminds us of our obligations and responsibilities.  As my school is made up of 100% European Plymouth Brethren, navigating the waters of what is culturally appropriate is held with utmost importance. Furthermore, “respecting the diversity of the heritage, language, identity and culture of all learners” (Our Codes, Our Standards, 2017).

Within the community of which I work, huge importance is given to upholding the communities’ standard of purity, wherein students are segregated by gender from Y7-13, within classrooms, during physical education and breaks. As an employee of OneSchool Global committed to respect the unique culture of my students and their families, their identity and the diversity of their community. 

As teaching professionals we are expected to engage in regularly into reflective practice to strengthen our pedagogical practice as professionals and experts in our fields of education. This is clearly stated the Professional learning standards outlined by the Teachers Council. (Our Codes, Our Standards, 2017). We are to engage in teacher inquiry to form processes and systems that lead to better outcomes for students. At OSG we reflect on a weekly basis using a digital platform provided by the school. To benefit my own pedagogy I use this platform to reflect on my inquiry and create goals for the following week.

As a staff we meet once a fortnight to address the SDL culture in our school this is further supported by the hierarchy of our school with monthly professional development sessions on nation wide webinars. In our fortnightly meetings we reflect and continually add to our campus GAP analysis sheet. This practice aligns with the professional standard of “Professional relationships”. “Actively contribute, and work collegially, in the pursuit of improving my own and organisational practice, showing leadership, particularly in areas of responsibility.” (Our Codes, Our Standards, 2017).

Together we have fostered a learning focused environment for all learners at OSG. At OSG, we are all committed developing learning-focused relationships with students to encourage them to become owners of their learning and for myself as the classroom teacher/expert to take on the role of a professional facilitator of learning. 

“Develop a culture that is focused on learning, and is characterised by respect, inclusion, empathy, collaboration and safety.” (Our Codes, Our Standards, 2017)
Education Council. (2017). Our Code Our Standards Tikanga, Ngā Paerewa, Matatika Ngā. 24. Retrieved from Code Our Standards web booklet FINAL.pdf%0A Code Our Standards web booklet FINAL.pdf


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