
Showing posts from November, 2019

Reflective Entry 8

Reflective Entry 8: Reflect on how you have changed your practice during your Postgraduate DCL journey . Digital Learning has always been a passion of mine, and I have been lucky in my teaching career to have been supported by a principal who was like-minded. In embarking on this learning journey my expectations have been exceeded with great enthusiasm. At first, I thought I’d come to classes and get some ideas on what I could use in my class to further engage my students in learning using different digital tools, platform etc. However, I found that it was all of that and much more. Throughout this course of study, I’ve garnered many eye-opening truths about the kind of classroom leader I am and the kind of classroom leader that I want to be. I have learnt that keeping a positive, agile, and flexible attitude can be interpreted as having a growth mindset which is crucial to developing into the teacher that I need to be in order to encourage and facilitate learning at a deepe...

Reflective Entry 7

Reflective Entry 7: Evaluate how your inquiry impacts on future inquiry/practice. The impact this inquiry has on future inquiry/practice is that of thoroughly researching and analysing, questions about teacher practice and reflecting on outcomes. I have thoroughly enjoyed this process which has led me to ask the BIG questions around student learning and outcomes. Gaining much needed understanding around the spiral of inquiry I see how beneficial it has been holistically to my teacher practice. The need around teacher inquiry is important to changing learning outcomes for students and to improve pedagogy and learning cultures in schools.                                                Figure 1: Spiral of inquiry. My inquiry has led me to many realisations in teaching, we are able to make a huge impact on student learning when we are evidence driven, wel...

Reflective Entry 6

Reflective Entry 6: Describe the data you have collected so far and how you are analysing it. Question: What does SDL teaching look like at One School Global? and what needs to be changed to ensure that the SDL model works more effectively? To start the inquiry students given a survey to complete anonymously using an online tool called Educator Impact. From the inquiry question many small questions were developed and rate on a scale from 1-5, 5 being best. Most of the questions asked were developed around the self-directed model that my school was using. There was a strong focus around assignment design, availability of learning resource, whether or not the content was engaging and on how the teacher interacted digitally with students as a facilitator of learning. The data collected showed that on the surface students were self-directing but not as powerfully as the model suggests. They second part of the data was achieved by way of comparing the school provided SDL model to tha...

Reflective Entry 5

Reflective Entry 5: Discuss how ethical issues are being addressed while you are taking action. At the beginning of my inquiry my initial thoughts about ethical practices was to follow the duty of care, like most teachers reflecting on my own practice was first needed so that student needs could and would be addressed. What ethical issues could arise if everything we do is to be better our practice for our students? Considering the ramifications my enquiry could have on my students more research needed to be had around ethical guidelines. This led me to confidentiality, as the community in which I teach is closed of from most outside ideals and teachings. We are governed by our contracts, which clearly states the need for confidentiality and protection of our student’s rights as a person first but also as a member of this community.   According to NZARE (2010), we should report objectively, frankly and without prejudice. Ensuring that my students and the community are wel...